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Consumes the selectors and wraps actions.

useModel(selectors: Map<Selectors>, actions: Map<ActionCreator>, props: Object)


  • Injects selectorProps, wrapped actionProps and the instanceId.

    const { count, add } = useModel({
    count: getters.count,
    }, {
    add: actions.add,
    }, {
    instanceId: "customInstanceId"


  1. selectors: Map<SelectorFunction> | null

    The selectors that will consume the state from the parent module.

    Each key of the selectors Map will be executed against the module store.

  2. actions: Map<ActionCreator> | null

    Each key of the actions Map will be wrapped with module dispatch function.

  3. props: Object

    An instanceId passed by props to the hook will take precedence over the context instanceId.

Return value

ModelProps: {
...selectorProps: Map<Any>,
...wrappedActionProps: Map<Dispatch<ActionCreator>>,
instanceId: String