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Defining the model

The model will be defined by the initial state and reducers, just like plain redux.

The main difference is that redux-mvc will dynamically create getters and actions for you.



  • For each property key in the initial state a getter function will be created:

    import { createModel } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    const model = createModel({
    iniState: {
    count: 0,
    namespace: "Counter",

    will generate a count getter (selector) to get the count out of the current state

    import { connect } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    import { getters } from "./model"
    const decorate = connect(
    { count: getters.count },
    const Counter = ({


  • Similar to the getters, for each property key of the initial state a setter function will be created:

    import { createModel } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    const model = createModel({
    iniState: {
    count: 0,
    namespace: "Counter",

    will generate a count setter (action) to set the count out of the current state

    import { connect } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    import { actions } from "./model"
    const decorate = connect(
    setCount: e => actions.setCount(Number(,

    Note: Check that the setters will be prefixed with set. E.g.: for the count key the setter would be setCount.


  • The module reducer will be created out of a collection of reducer functions:

    import { createModel } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    const model = createModel({
    reducers: {
    add: ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }),
    reset: R.always(iniState),
  • The reducers will take state and action as parameters, and they will return the partial state to be updated.

  • The returned partial state will be shallow merged with the previous state.


redux-mvc will also dynamically create one action creator for each reducer function.

  • Given this model

    import { createModel } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    const model = createModel({
    reducers: {
    add: ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }),
    reset: R.always(iniState),

    add and reset actions will be dynamically generated and can later be used in views:

    import { connect } from "@redux-mvc/core"
    import { actions } from "./model"
    const decorate = connect(
    { add: actions.add, reset: actions.reset }
    const Counter = ({