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Getting started

Installation and basic setup for the redux-mvc counter example.


npm install @redux-mvc/core


npm install redux react react-dom

Folder Structure

| index.js // module file
| model.js // model file
| View
| index.js // context file
| Counter.js // counter view file

Note: render the module by requiring Counter/View


The model is the business logic layer where the state updates happen.

You can define the iniState and reducers in it and redux-mvc will dynamically generate actions and getters for you so you avoid writing a bit of boilerplate.

import { createModel } from "@redux-mvc/core"
const model = createModel({
iniState: {
count: 0,
reducers: {
add: (state, action) => ({ count: state.count + 1 }),
reset: (state, action) => ({ count: 0 }),


The view is the presentational layer. By using dependency injection we can keep it as stateless as possible.

import React from "react"
import { connect } from "@redux-mvc/core"
import { getters, actions } from "./model"
const decorate = connect(
{ count: getters.count },
{ add: actions.add, reset: actions.reset }


The module is the configuration layer. In this case it adds lifecycle methods required by the context.

import { createModule } from "@redux-mvc/core"
import model from "./model.js"
const module = createModule(model)
export default module


The context is where you run an instance of a module.

import React from "react"
import { createContext } from "@redux-mvc/core"
import module from "../index"
import Counter from "./Counter.js"
const decorate = createContext({