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Connects the WrappedComponent to the module context.

connect(selectors: Map<Selectors>, actions: Map<ActionCreator>, options: Object)(Component: ReactComponent)


  1. selectors: Map<Selector> | null

    The selectors that will consume the state from the parent module.

    Each key of the selectors Map will be injected as prop to the WrappedComponent.

  2. actions: Map<ActionCreator> | null

    Each key of the actions Map will wrapped into the module dispatch and injected as prop to the WrappedComponent.

  3. options.pure: Boolean

    If the Component is a functional component, wraps it in React.memo.

    Default: true

  4. Component: ReactComponent

    Component to be connected.

Return value

React Component with injected selector props, action props and the instanceId.